JCCP:Japan Cooperation Center, Petroleum

Outline of JCCP Regular Course IT-1-19

Course Number IT-1-19
Course Title Marketing, Trading and Business Planning
Date Apr. 16 - 26, 2019
To provide participants an understanding of Japan and its oil/energy industry and an opportunity to discuss oil company strategies using marketing and other business administrative frameworks.
To provide workshops on crude selection, investment decision, use of oil derivatives, and business negotiation.
Main Topics
1. Lectures & Workshop
  ・Overview of the oil industry (business environment)
  ・Crude oil selection process of crude buyers
  ・Investment decisions
  ・Business negotiation
  ・Oil derivatives and risk management
  ・Business strategies and planning

2. Visits to
  ・A refinery
  ・A retail dealer 
  ・An aviation fuel supplier at a major airport
  ・Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM)
Managers or those with equivalent qualifications who are interested in learning about business planning.
Participants from both business lines and administrative functions are welcome.
Number of Participants 12
Course Fee ¥0
Tentative Deadline for Application February 4, 2019

* Further course details will be announced three (3) months before the start of the course.