JCCP:Japan Cooperation Center, Petroleum

JCCP Activities for Fiscal 2018

JCCP activities in fiscal 2018 have been implemented as planned by receiving roughly the same amount of budget for government subsidized projects as last year, and they have achieved the quantitative targets that were initially set forth in the annual action plan.

Following on from last year, the standing basic business implementation policy to contribute to ensuring a stable oil supply was augmented by the policy to support the expansion of product exports and overseas business expansion with an eye to strengthening the competitiveness of Japan’s oil industry. Based on this policy, a new cooperation project was implemented for the Philippines and Mozambique as requested by Japanese companies. Also in line with the basic policy to cultivate LNG-related cooperation projects, a curriculum on LNG was

introduced to the HRD program, and a basic survey related to LNG was carried out under the scope of the technical cooperation program (Indonesia, Guyana and Mozambique).

In the international cooperation program, the 37th JCCP International Symposium was held with the participation of 13 panelists from 11 countries, who gave thematic presentations and actively engaged in a mutual exchange of views. This year, the Friendship Committee for Women’s Career Development (FCW) was held in conjunction with the symposium. This new initiative provided a forum for deeper discussions than ever before and received high evaluations from all oil producing countries concerned.

The details of each program are presented below.

Human Resource Development Programs

1. FY2018 summary

The HRD program conducted directly by JCCP consisted of a total of 21 regular courses in fiscal 2018. They included 5 courses related to strategic project management and marketing/physical distribution, 3 courses related to human resources and financial accounting, 2 courses related to the environment, new energies and energy conservation, 1 course on quality control, 3 courses on process and power generation technologies, 5 courses related to maintenance, and 2 courses on instrumentation control.

Customized courses have also been implemented in response to individual requests from Middle East oil producing countries, countries in Southeast Asia, and oil producing countries that are expected to become new sources of energy supply. In fiscal 2018, 5 such programs were held in Japan for Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait,

Vietnam, Myanmar, etc., and 4 programs were held locally in Qatar, Indonesia and Myanmar (2 programs).

A total of 453 participants have attended JCCP’s HRD programs in fiscal 2018, including 299 participants to programs conducted directly by JCCP and 154 to corporate programs held in cooperation with member companies. A breakdown of the number of participants to JCCP regular courses is as shown in the link under “2. Completed Activities” below.

It is also worth noting that since its founding in 1981, JCCP has received a cumulative total of 24,969 participants as of the end of fiscal 2018 and expects this figure to reach 25,000 early in the new fiscal year with the regular courses that will begin in April.

The researcher exchange (invitation/dispatch) program promotes the exchange of researchers to and from Japan and oil/gas producing countries with the aim of cultivating researchers who can contribute to the development of advanced technologies that would benefit the oil downstream sector in the future.

Under the fiscal 2018 researcher dispatch program, a researcher each was dispatched to Saudi Arabia (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals) and Kuwait (Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research) for three months, just as last year. Under the researcher invitation program that is

implemented under commission to The Japan Petroleum Institute, a researcher each from Saudi Arabia (Saudi Aramco), UAE (ADNOC Refining Research Center), Iraq (Petroleum Research and Development Center, Iraq Ministry of Oil) and Vietnam (Vietnam Petroleum Institute) was invited to Japan to study at a research institution in Japan, such as a research laboratory of an oil company or a university, for a period of one to two months.

Additionally, in response to a request from Saudi Aramco, a researcher was dispatched to engage in joint research for a period of 100 days on a trial basis.

人材育成1 Simulator Training

人材育成2 Workshop@JCCP

人材育成3 Company Visit (travel time)

人材育成4 Field Trip

2. Completed Activities

3. News

Technical Cooperation Projects

1. FY2018 summary

Technical cooperation projects are implemented to help solve technical issues facing the oil downstream sector and other relevant sectors in oil/gas producing countries by transferring Japan’s technologies and expertise and developing technologies in cooperation with oil/gas producing countries.

In fiscal 2018, these projects were into the three stages mentioned below and implemented while verifying their relevance to their respective stages. In the project finding stages (basic survey), 9 projects were implemented in six countries; in the confirmation of project feasibility stage (feasibility study), 6 projects were launched in five countries; and in the joint projects with oil producing countries stage (joint projects), 18 projects were launched

in nine countries. However, among the joint technical cooperation projects, two were unable to be pursued adequately due to U.S. economic sanctions against Iran.

As achievements made in fiscal 2018, it is particularly worthy of mention that agreements were signed for the implementation of five new joint projects, and that four projects were launched at the direct request of oil/gas producing countries (one is a first technical cooperation project of its kind). Another major achievement was the establishment of a relationship with Saudi Aramco’s Domestic Refining & NGL Fractionation (DR&NGLF) Department through the holding of a local symposium and a refinery issue-solving program that brought together young engineers from Saudi Aramco and Japanese oil companies.

技術協力1 LNG Basic Survey Project(Workshop)

技術協力2 MOA Signing Ceremony

技術協力3 Field Survey

2. Completed Activities

International Cooperation Programs

1. FY2018 summary

The international cooperation program promotes and strengthens information sharing and personal relationships by holding international conferences and other such activities.

In January 2019, the 37th JCCP International Symposium was held under the theme of “New business opportunities in the oil and gas industry – Business innovation and value-adding growth –.” Thirteen panelists from oil/gas producing countries were invited to Tokyo and engaged in an active exchange of information with an audience of approximately 380 people. As a new initiative, it jointly held the Friendship Committee for Women’s Career Development (FCW), which has conventionally been held separately from the JCCP International Symposium. Sessions on women’s active participation, diversity and work-style reform were organized within the symposium, and these sessions were held as the 8th FCW meeting, with the participation of professional women and personnel management officers from the Gulf countries and Japan.

Thematic joint symposiums are organized at the request of a counterpart country or organization and are held jointly by the oil producing country or organization and JCCP, either in Japan or in the counterpart country. They are designed to widely disseminate Japan’s advanced technologies and research achievements both in Japan and abroad, and to promote information exchange with the counterpart country. As a result, they frequently lead to a new collaboration initiative between the counterpart country and Japan.

In April 2018, the Saudi Aramco-JCCP joint symposium on energy conservation and the environment was held at Saudi Aramco’s Leadership Center in Ras Tanura.

Attended by an audience of roughly 300, the symposium featured 35 presentations that included 11 by Japanese speakers and provided a forum for information exchange on a broad range of topics related to the environment, such as environment-friendly fuel quality, energy conservation, refinery upgrading, wastewater treatment and reuse, water leakage monitoring, energy-saving seawater desalination, and environmental management.

In May 2018, the 7th Friendship Committee for Women’s Career Development was held in Abu Dhabi. It featured panel discussions, workshops and debriefing sessions with the participation of 7 female members from Japan and 19 from the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Group.

In November 2018, the 28th Annual Saudi-Japan Symposium was held on “Technology in Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals” (under the joint sponsorship of Saudi Aramco, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), The Japan Petroleum Institute and JCCP) at Dhahran Techno Valley on the KFUPM campus in Saudi Arabia. The 24 presentations that were given with the participation of 5 speakers from Japan, elicited an active exchange of views about technology with an audience of approximately 130 people.

In March 2019, the Third Technical Conference with OAPEC was held under the title of “Performance Improvement of Petroleum Downstream Industries” at a hotel in Kuwait. Featuring 18 presentations, including five by speakers from Japan, a lively exchange of views about technology took place with an audience of roughly 100 people.

連携促進1 The 37th JCCP International Symposium

連携促進2 The 7th Friendship Committee for Women’s Career Development (FCW)

連携促進3 The 3rd Technical Conference with OAPEC

連携促進4 The 28th Annual Saudi-Japan Symposium

2. Completed Activities

Overseas Offices

JCCP has overseas offices in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi, UAE. Each office is in charge of a group of Middle East countries. The Al-Khobar office is in charge of affairs in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Bahrain, and the Abu Dhabi office is in charge of affairs in UAE, Qatar, Oman and Iran.

The principle roles of these overseas offices are to provide local support for the smooth and safe implementation of projects in the countries that are under their charge and to collect relevant information about the countries.

By utilizing the network that JCCP has established since its

founding with national oil companies and other such organizations in Middle East oil-producing countries through the implementation of human resource development programs, technical cooperation projects and international cooperation activities, the offices help Japanese companies expand their business in the oil downstream sector in Middle East oil producing countries.

They also work with Japanese companies that are planning to do business in the downstream sector in Middle East oil

producing countries and assist them in in their efforts to commence a new business or hold workshops toward establishing new relationships.

As a new initiative, the two offices cooperated in holding a joint symposium on the environment and energy conservation with Saudi Aramco in fiscal 2018 (April 25 & 26). With the participation of local Japanese companies (in UAE and Saudi Arabia), they planned and implemented an exhibition to introduce the proprietary technologies of each company.

海外事務所1 The Saudi Aramco-JCCP Joint Symposium on Energy Conservation and The Environment

海外事務所2 The al-Khobar office

海外事務所3 The Saudi Aramco-JCCP Joint Symposium on Energy Conservation and The Environment

海外事務所4 The Middle East office