Technical Cooperation
At the request of oil/gas producing countries, JCCP and counterparts' organizations launch a joint technical cooperation to solve issues such as: improving oil refinery processes and efficiency, enhance energy/environmental conservation efforts, develop new technology, and tackle other technical issues with the participation of Japanese petroleum companies, engineering firms, etc.
Through those programs, Japanese government and JCCP has been cooperating in developing energy industry in oil/gas producing countries. In the process, these nations' engineers enjoy technology transfer of advanced Japanese technologies and know-hows. At the same time the programs provide business opportunities for participating Japanese companies.
Some 30 projects are running every year. They are divided into three categories according to their phases.
Basic Survey /Project Finding
For the purpose of studying current or underlying issues in refining processes, and crystalizing subjects to take up as the theme of a joint program, JCCP sends missions to the field in counterpart countries. JCCP decides whether or not to proceed on the next phase according to the results of this first phase.
Project Formation Study (Confirmation of Project Feasibility)
JCCP, counterparts' organization and participating Japanese businesses, jointly study and review the program goals, scope of work, implementation system, program schedules, and other items. By doing so, JCCP evaluates the feasibility of the projects as a joint-venture which contributes to the strengthening of the partner countries' petroleum and energy industries. JCCP also evaluates whether the project provides the country with technology transfer opportunities by the Japanese industries.
Joint Technical Cooperation (Implementation of Projects in cooperation with Oil and Gas Producing Countries)
After the feasibility of a project is confirmed and once JCCP decides to undertake it as a Joint Technical Program on the ground that the project contributes to partner countries' petroleum and energy industries, JCCP and partner countries' organization shall conclude a Joint Project Agreement. The project will thereby be started officially begun and addressing issues in petroleum and energy energy industries in the partner country will commence.