JCCP:Japan Cooperation Center, Petroleum

Outline of JCCP Regular Course IT-1-22

Course Number IT-1-22
Course Title [Online Program] Project Management for IT System Integration in the Petroleum Industry
Date May. 16 - May. 27, 2022*
To deepen technology leaders' knowledge of project management from the standpoint of the owner side in system renewal and development projects for refinery control systems and/or maintenance management systems.
Main Topics
1. Lecture
(1)	Project Management Body of Knowledge® (PMBOK®) fundamentals 
       (By Preliminary e-learning, under the supervision of Project Management Association Japan)
(2)	Petroleum industry in Japan 
      (By Preliminary e-learning, JCCP)
(3)	Project management from the perspective of the oil refining company, PJ  owner side
      a)	Overview of project management
      b)	Case studies of failures
      c)	Agile project management, etc.
(4)	Project cost management 
(5) 	Project simulation

2. Workshop (Group Discussions)
(1)	Participant’s challenges and solutions in utilizing AI, IoT, big data and robotics

3. Onsite Visit (Online) 
(1)	Control systems Company: 
・ Application of AR technology to oil refinery maintenance site, 
・ Virtual hands-on training

Middle management level in the engineering, technical, planning and R&D
departments or those with equivalent or higher-level qualification.
Number of Participants 14
Course Fee ¥0
Tentative Deadline for Application March 30, 2022*

* Further course details will be announced three (3) months before the start of the course.