JCCP:Japan Cooperation Center, Petroleum

Outline of JCCP Regular Course IT-2-12

Course Number IT-2-12
Course Title Finance & Accounting Management
Date Nov. 27 - Dec.6, 2012
To provide participants with specific knowledge of finance and accounting
Main Topics
A business simulation (game) will provide good practice in creating a balance sheet (B/S) and profit-and-loss statement (P/L).

    1.The role and function of the finance and accounting department in Japanese oil company and others

    2.Cash flow analysis

    3.International accounting standard

    4.Project financial control & risk management

    5.Visits to:
        ・A refinery
        ・A business college
        ・An oil company
        ・A bank
        ・A trading company
        ・An engineering company
Persons in managerial positions who are engaged in finance or senior management in other fields
Number of Participants 10
Course Fee ¥0
Tentative Deadline for Application September 17, 2012

* Further course details will be announced three (3) months before the start of the course.